Youthwork downloads for Newsletter Editiors and Notice Readers

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Sign up for updates If you’d like to keep up with Quaker Youth events in Yorkshire sign up Link

Friends, this link is absolutely key to my work, as it allows me to reach our readership in a direct, timely and targeted way, getting people to sign up to this is the number 1 way in which you can support me in my work. Do encourage any and all to sign up including parents, young people, grandparents and Clerks!
Youth strategy A longer read breakdown of the needs and plans for Quaker Youth work in Yorkshire PDF. Navigating the River N/A – signposting for those interested
Navigating Quaker Youthwork in Yorkshire An attractive map of what’s on and for whom – every meeting house notice board needs one! All the time!
YDW QiY report Looking back at 2023, looking forward t0 2024 PDF. Report Fresh out, for anyone that wants to be updated on the work and where their donations go!
The Yorkshire Hammock The Hammock is a flexible and variable container for all thing youth, quaker and Yorkshire, for young quakers, complied by Jo. Hard copies are available by post. This document is to be printed duplex, in colour on A3, cut along the solid back lines and folded. The Yorkshire Hammock As and when
Youth calendar  The Yorkshire Youth Calendar up to September is out, it can be downloaded from the Quakers in Yorkshire Website, emailed or posted. Get in touch with Jo B. Sept-and-Q4-Diary-24 Consistently
Supercharger Training An adult crash course/shared exploration of everything you need to get going in Quaker Youthwork. Deliver inline or in person PDF



