Youthwork activities

Upcoming Events

Youthwork Diary 

The best way to hear about Quaker children youth and family events is to join the mailing list!

Join the Yorkshire Youth Work Email List

Some of the picture are clickable and will lead you to booking pages.



The wandering West Yorkshire Families Quaker Meeting will meet again in September, get in touch with Jo to be added to the planning WhatsApp. 

This poster maps the complete Quaker Youthwork provisions in Yorkshire. An essential addition to every meeting house notice board!



Join the Yorkshire Youth Work Email List

The Yorkshire Hammock – Youth newsletter

Downloads for newsletter editors


Hammock back issues



Jo Baynham is the Youth Development Worker for the seven Area Meetings in Quaker in Yorkshire

More information on how Jo can help AM and LM engage with Young people, or to arrange events can be found on the “youth development worker” page, under the “people” tab. 

Jo Baynham – Youth Development Worker
Quakers in Britain, Yorkshire Centre
188 Woodhouse Lane





Regular Youthwork

11-18 years 


  • Various one off events as above. Jo aims to offer a variety of engaging Quaker Youth activities across Yorkshire. 


  • Link Group In Person. Quakers in Yorkshire and the Yearly Meeting run a variety in person residential events. Link group runs between these events offering a single night residentials every few months to allow friendship and fellowship to flourish between young people involved with Quakerism between events. It’s a group that links. 


  • Big Questions? Various times and in variety of locations and ways, but often in school holidays, Big Questions? is a space in which young people can explore some of the Life the Universe and Everything, type quandaries in a participatory, co-created environment. 

Register a young person for online Youth Work    Register a young person for in person youth work    

Events held during the year:  Junior Holidays   Yorkshire Friends Holiday School  Easter Settlement