
This page contains the full version of the Quakers in Yorkshire Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.

Abuse is unacceptable. Everyone has a right to participate in Quaker communities without suffering harm. We are committed to keeping everyone safe. Particular attention should be given to the safety of children and vulnerable adults.

Quakers recognise that of God in everyone.  All children, young people and adults deserve respect, value and appropriate care. Our care extends to people who are potentially vulnerable to abuse, and to those who may be perpetrators.  We recognise abuse can include physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect, and other forms.


Quakers in Yorkshire has a Safeguarding Policy which closely follows national guidance.  This is in two parts.  The main policy gives information on how we recruit, train and follow good practice and how we will deal with cases of abuse.  There is a useful summary on pages 1-4.  The appendices contain detailed forms and procedures.

Procedure for responding to concerns or allegations of abuse

The 5Rs are a useful reminder: Receive, Reassure, Recognise, Respond and Refer. Listen well.  Make sure the child or adult involved is safe at the present time.  If you think someone is in immediate danger, do not delay – call the police on 999 straight away.  Make a written record of what you have been told, and who told you, ideally using initial disclosure form.  Sign it, with your name, date and time, and keep it safely with your notes.  Under no circumstances should a volunteer role-holder or employee carry out their own investigation into an allegation or suspicion of abuse. This could increase the potential harm to the person at risk, and prejudice any investigation. Report concerns as soon as possible and within 24 hours directly to the QiY Safeguarding Coordinators.


QiY Safeguarding Coordinator:   Ruth McTighe.    tel: 01226 208947 / 07763492371

QiY Deputy Safeguarding Co-ordinator:   Liz Schweiger.    tel: 0113 440 0736 / 07985375444

An email sent to will be forwarded to both Coordinators.

If neither of the Safeguarding Coordinators is available, then use Thirtyone:eight’s helpline 0303 003 1111.
Thirtyone:eight is the national organisation appointed by Quakers in Britain and most other churches to provide advice and guidance on safeguarding.

They also have a lot of guidance on their website: